Tuesday 25 October 2016

E-safety rules continued...

This week, we started by reading 'Digiduck's Big Decision'. 


We have learned that it is important for us to be kind in real life, and when online.  We retrieved our class rules from the server, and we added on some rules to show what we have learned today. 

E safety rules.

This week, we continued to find out more about e-safety.  As a class, we agreed on some rules that would keep us safe.  After this, we used Microsoft Word to publish them. We saved our files so that we could come back to them leader. 

Welcome, Class Bramble.

Today, we looked at our new blog for this academic year.  We discussed what a blog is used for, and spoke about staying safe when we are online.  We completed a questionnaire all about esafety.  

Friday 14 October 2016

E-Safety posters

Today, we returned to our work from last week. We retrieved our saved file and and began to organise and present our ideas in different ways so that we could attract more people to read our rules. We used the keyboards to add more text in, delete anything which was unnecessary or repeated and changed the colour and style of the font to create a more attractive poster.

Once we had completed this, we felt our posters needed more so we added in images to draw attention to it.

Have a look at the selection of photos below.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Presenting our Esafety rules

This week, we continued to find out more about e-safety.

We started by reading Digiduck's big decision http://www.childnet.com/ufiles/DigiDuck-eBook.pdf

From this story, we learned that you must always be kind in real life and on the internet.

Next, we went on to the computers to add our new rules to our posters.

First we had to find and open our document.

Then we added our new rules. Once we had finished we changed the size and colour of our text. Hananya said this is to make it more attractive.

To make sure we could find it again we then saved it.

Agreeing E-Safety rules

Today, we recapped what we knew about E-Safety and agreed our classroom rules. Once we had agreed them we used Microsoft word to type them up. We then saved our files so that we could come back to it next week. Here is Lola-Rose's rules