Thursday 26 May 2016

Let's go fly a kite ...

This afternoon we made kites from straws, tissue paper and masking tape. We added a crepe paper streamer tail and some wool so we could fly it. We had great fun especially when we tested them in the playground.

Tomorrow we will be writing kite poems - what words could we use to describe a kite flying?


  1. Well done Bramble and Thustle class. You have all achieved so much this week and developed some key skills. I have really enjoyed looking at your photographs. Remember to keep using those skills in the classroom and around the school! Mrsmckenzie

    1. Hi Mrs Mckenzie,I just wanted to tell you you spelled thustle not thistle.

    2. Hi Mrs Mckenzie,I just wanted to tell you you spelled thustle not thistle.

  2. I remember seeing year2 fly kites in the playground although I don't really think there was enough wind for them to fly as I diddn't see any in the air.
